Hiring is going to be at the forefront of most business owner’s minds as we begin months of economic recovery. Once you have assessed your needs for the new year, what’s next? Now is the time to plan your recruiting strategy. Here are four tips to help you as you ramp up this year.

  1. Establish a Recruitment Team. You already have subject experts in your company so use their expertise to help assess potential candidates. Ask leaders of each team to review a few resumes for their department and circle back to discuss the best applicants and their reasons for choosing those resumes.
  2. Hire Temporary Workers. There is work that needs to get done and before you make hiring decisions you still need to maintain production. Temporary staffing companies are exactly the right solution for this issue. Work with your local staffing service to determine your short term needs and have them send qualified employees to help. It is always possible that a temporary employee might be the perfect new long term hire as well. It give you a chance to try out their skills before you have to make that decision.
  3. Pre-employment testing and screening. Online testing services and personality profiles can be expensive, especially if you only administer them occasionally. Staffing companies work with these kinds of tests all of the time and have access to them. Tests need to be validated in order to be considered non-discriminatory so it is best to work with a service who understands the process.
  4. Network even when you’re not hiring. Connect to professionals in your community all year long. Developing these relationships can mean a short hiring process if you have a need that someone might fill. Attend local industry meetings, use LinkedIn to connect to professionals for various specialties, and become visible in your community.

Are you beginning to hire more employees this year? Contact Harvard Resource solutions so we can help you with your temporary and long term needs.