Regardless of how careful you are in the hiring process every manager can make a bad decision. How do you recover from this situation? Here are some tips for recovering from the mistake and ways to not make it again.

  1. Review your sources. How are you finding candidates for your role? Look carefully at those sources and determine if you need to make any changes. Consider asking your existing team and offer a referral bonus for every successful hire they recommend.
  2. Rank the qualifications. Detailed job descriptions are fine but there are a few key skills that are non-negotiable. Take some time to review the criteria and write out the requirements to rank them in the order they are most necessary for the job.
  3. Problem solving. Once you’ve reviewed the resumes and selected a candidate, conduct a phone screen. Provide them with a hypothetical situation to research and bring their results to interview to discuss. This will give you a pretty good idea how they solve problems and if it will work for your team.
  4. Consider working with a staffing company. Temporary to hire is a great way to test out whether an individual will be a good fit for your company. The staffing company will pre-screen and test all of the candidates before they submit the resumes for your review.
  5. Personality profiles. There are many tools available to test an individual’s personality and match it to your organization. These tests need to be validated to ensure they are not discriminatory. They can be costly to implement but your local staffing service will have access to them and can assist you with the administration.
  6. Trust your instincts. Many times hiring managers will overlook glaring red flags in an interview because the candidate possesses all of the skills that they believe are the right fit for the job. Trust your instincts. If someone doesn’t feel right they probably won’t work out. Take your time to hire the best candidate but don’t be afraid to let someone go if it isn’t working.
  7. Talk them out of it. Try being negative about the job and see if they overcome your own objections. If someone can assure you that they can handle everything you throw at them they probably can.
  8. Exit interviews. Rather than interviewing the individual who left,  talk to you team to find out what they think. What was it about the employee that didn’t mesh with the group or what kind of skills did they struggle with. This can give you some insight on your next hire.

Are you looking for the best way to solve a sticky hiring situation at your company? Harvard Resource Solutions can help you with your recruiting needs.