Now that we are emerging from the winter, which is historically a slower hiring time, it is a good opportunity to look at the challenges manager face in the hiring process for the remainder of 2013. South East Michigan is in a unique position to develop a new economy and take advantage of potential opportunities as we begin to dig out from under both the snow and the economic problems facing our region. Here are several things to consider.

  1. A Mobile Recruiting Strategy. 91% of people are always within reach of their smart phones or tablet devices. A significant portion of internet users only access the web through mobile means. There is no better place to find qualified candidates than where they spend the most time. According to a survey by 7 out of 10 job seekers look for jobs on their phones. Optimize your company’s mobile recruiting to attract the right candidates. Create a seamless experience from your traditional website and social media to mobile platforms.
  2. Dealing with the skills gap. Many recruiters and hiring managers have been disappointed with the process of sourcing candidates qualified to perform their specific jobs. While there are still a number of unemployed professionals available the gap between their skills and the needs of businesses is relatively wide. Professionals recommend that job seekers continue their education to become more desirable on the job market.  When posting your job openings on line be clear about your expectations and the qualifications you need to see on resumes. This will minimize the number of unqualified resumes you will have to review.
  3. Rise of visual media. Social media and job postings are not the only platforms for finding candidates online.  Many large companies, including Starbucks, are using photo sharing giant Instagram to find passive candidates. Like Twitter, Instagram uses hashtags to create searchable terms on the site. By searching for in demand hashtags you may find hidden candidates. Pinterest is also becoming a desirable platform for attracting candidates to your company. Many people are drawn to visual representations so pin your company’s products, ideas, and experiences to your pin boards. Finally, the availability of video chatting over the internet has made long distance interviewing easier. Using free services like Skype and Google+ Hangouts you can meet face to face with a candidate in another location before paying for them travel to your office. This first step allows companies to only select the very best for in person interviews.

Are you looking for innovative new ways to improve your recruiting process this year? Contact Harvard Resource solutions today to see how we are helping South East Michigan move forward!