As the job market begins to open up many employees are considering whether or not they are satisfied in their current place of employment. Managers can affect this decision by providing some simple improvements to increase employee engagement.  These changes don’t need to be costly. Here are four simple ideas that can change your workplace and positively affect your staff.

  1. Remote Working. Top organizations, including many Fortune 100 companies, have implemented work from home strategies and have not seen a dip in production or meeting deadlines. Consider allowing your employees to work remotely part of the time. A flexible schedule where each member of your team works from home on a different day can be a great way to gauge this program. If the quality of the work does not suffer consider increasing this opportunity as a reward for work well done.
  2. Social Enterprise. Social media is a sticky issue in offices today. By encouraging another type of social interaction among your employees you may be able to curb the overuse of Facebook. Social Enterprise Software can create connections in the office and encourage departments to work together toward a common goal. SalesForce is frequently used and can develop great interoffice relationships that benefit the company.
  3. Recruit through social media. Social media does have an important role in modern companies: Recruiting. Many professionals are using these platforms to look for jobs and the best way to find great candidates is to go where they are already. Since social media is free or inexpensive it is a cost effective way to boost your sources and attract the best candidates.
  4. Healthy office habits. A wellness program in your office can help reduce stress and promote healthier eating habits that improve each employee’s experience. Eliminate unhealthy snack and soda machines from the office. Replace them with better options such as fruit and water. Reduce stress by encouraging employees to take their breaks outside of the office.

Do you want to improve your employee engagement in your office?  The team at Harvard Resource Solutions has creative ideas you can implement.