Job searching is as much a skill as the career for which you trained. If you have been unemployed for longer than you expected you may want to re-evaluate your job hunt and make a few changes that can greatly increase your effectiveness. Consider these following signs of trouble and ways you can improve your search.
- You haven’t developed a strategy. Job searches aren’t the same for everyone and simply sending your resume to job boards or being on LinkedIn won’t get you an offer. Think through your needs and your time management skills to put together a plan for your search. Create a list of sources including industry events and specialized job boards. Manage your calendar and diversify your methods.
- No focus on network building. Sometimes when we are searching for a job we can feel disconnected to the community. If you haven’t been to an industry event in a while it might be time to get out and start making those connections. The timeless advice of “who you know,” is still tried and true.
- Too much social media. While human resources experts are telling recruiters to be on social media because that is where the candidates are, spending too much time on Facebook will not land you a job. Use social media to build your online brand and develop relationships that you can take offline.
- Not preparing for an interview. No one likes to interview, but it is an important barrier between you and the job. If you’re showing up without a plan your unpreparedness might come through and you will be passed by for the job. Most importantly, you should learn as much as you can about the company. Also, consider some questions you would like to ask the interviewer.
- Don’t wait. You’ve found a job that looks perfect on paper. You personalized your resume and sent it off to the address in the posting. You even followed up a week later to make sure they received it. Now, you’re waiting for an answer. If you’re waiting and not actively continuing your search, you’ve got the wrong technique. Be proactive about jobs you want and while you’re waiting to hear back from them apply to other positions.
Are you looking for your next employment opportunity? The recruiters at Harvard Resource Solutions can help you today!