It is so easy to fall into habits to coach employees only when there are errors or failures. What about making sure that your employees continue to grow within their current roles? What about seeing their promise and making sure they receive training in aspects of the business that doesn’t apply to their current role but could apply to a future promotion? Here are some ways to drive your employee potential.

  1. Say it out loud. When an employee does a good job on a particular project, or even just a regular every day aspect of their job, be sure to let them know that you appreciate their hard work. Tell them they have done a good job and reward anything that goes above and beyond expectations. These are the employees you want to cultivate.
  2. Give realistic expectations. Your employees can’t know how to do everything all the time. It is your job to show them how. If there are things you expect that they can learn over time be honest with them about how long it will take to learn that function and what they can expect once they do.
  3. Health and wellness for success. There is more to an engaged and successful employee than their job functions. In order to harness the potential of each and every one of your staff members it is important to have a holistic approach to their jobs and lives. Provide access to stress management programs, engage in healthy practices in the office, and foster a work/life balance.
  4. Understand your own company values and expectations. When you are working with employees to unlock their potential, be sure to be realistic about the results you are expecting. Keep requests in line with your company’s core values, engage employees in everything from development to implementation define your objectives, set policies and guidelines and make sure that they are communicated effectively, and track all of the measurables. Each of these aspects is important to creating a company culture that values employee engagement and taps into their potential.

Do you want to tap into the hidden potential of your current employees? If you are looking for staffing agencies in Troy MI, contact Harvard Resource Solutions today.