Making a hiring decision can be challenging at best. It is hard to know from reading a resume and having just one or two meetings with an individual exactly what kind of employee they will be. In the last few years many companies have been very specific about hiring criteria. They have only been looking for candidates who have had the exact experience they believe will be a successful fit for the job. However, this has led to many bad hires over the years. Companies who are hiring for employee potential are seeing a higher success and retention rate. So how do you hire for potential? Here are three easy things to look for.

  • Evaluate their potential. Not all employees are going to be equal. When looking at potential it is extremely important to look at which characteristics they have that will make them the best candidate for the job. This might mean that the perfect candidate has less experience than others you interview. Instead, look at the employee’s competency. This will include their skills, abilities, knowledge, and personality. You need to see how they will perform on the job, how they will interact with the current team, and how they might lead the company into the future.
  • Look at their previous experience and talk about their goals. Regardless of the specific job they have done in the past, you should be able to find a pattern of performance in their previous experience. Did they often receive additional responsibilities? Did they actively seek out new challenges? Were their recognized for their work? Talk to them about their future goals and where they see themselves in five or ten years. This will give you a picture of their motivation and how they may advance within your company.
  • Build a team that is eager. Your office dynamics may be the most important feature to drive innovation and success in the years to come. You want to build a team that works well together and who is hungry to achieve the next levels but not be satisfied with reaching any specific goal. Look for potential across the board with your entire staff. See their talents and skills and determine how these employees can grow within the company to benefit the entire organization.

Are you looking for your next employee with great potential? If you are looking for staffing agencies in Michigan, contact us today.