The interview is the place where you can get to know a potential employee on a deeper level. You will ask them questions about their ability to do the job, how they will fit in with your current team, and how they handle themselves in the workplace. However, there are a few questions that, in spite of seeming like they provide insight, should be avoided in the interview. Here are the three categories of questions you should never ask in a job interview.

  1. Questions you already know the answers to. Asking these types of questions position you as a passive aggressive manager. These questions often include information that you can already find on their resume. You expect a candidate to prepare for the interview by doing their homework; they should expect the same courtesy from you. Rather than asking questions you should already know the answers too, focus on details of their experience to learn more.
  2. Arbitrary questions to gauge personality. What is your favorite color? If you were a car, what kind of car would you be? Describe your perfect soda flavor. Tell me what you think about the color red. While creative questions have long been used by interviewers to determine something about potential candidates, they can be troubling. Their answers can’t actually provide any insight into the client and, at worse; they are seen as condescending and insulting. Avoid them at all costs. You can learn more from talking to an employee about their passion for their career.
  3. Questions that don’t provide information you need. Asking someone about their home life or their religion is not only inappropriate but they don’t inform you of anything that is necessary for the job. While you want to be friendly in your conversation you also don’t want it to turn too personal. In fact, questions of this nature should be avoided at the risk of making decisions that are deemed prejudiced. Focus on their experience, the job, and how they will fit into your organization once they start working with your company.

Are you ready to schedule interviews for your open position? If you are looking for recruiting agencies in Troy MI, contact us today.