An administrative assistant is often the unsung hero of an efficient workplace. They work tirelessly to ensure that every other aspect of a company functions correctly. To succeed in an administrative support role, it is important that you are able to bring certain skills to the table. What are the five most important skills for the most successful admins to have? Let’s take a closer look.

  1. Organization. In one way or another, an administrative assistant’s job revolves almost entirely around organization. This could be in regards to organizing time and calendars or answering all incoming emails. Office managers often have the added task of ensuring that the entire company remains organized and functional at all times.
  2. Service mindset. Support is a primary function of an admin, so having the right service mindset is essential. Admins need to be ready to be of service to their direct supervisors, others in the office, customers, vendors, and everyone else they come into contact with throughout the day.
  3. Conflict management. An administrative assistant can’t operate at their highest capacity if there is too much conflict happening between them and others in the office from day to day. A successful administrative assistant knows how to effectively deal with conflict to minimize fallout and maintain a pleasant working atmosphere.
  4. Communication. Skills in written and verbal communication are also essential to the successful admin’s toolbox. Memos, emails, phone calls, and other forms of communication are all daily occurrences when it comes to being administrative support staff.
  5. Flexibility. Finally, the best thing that an administrative assistant can know how to do is be flexible. Priorities change, crises happen, and managers alter plans. When this happens, an admin can’t plant their feet and refuse to make accommodations. A successful admin will know how turn on a dime when something needs to change direction immediately.

Are you looking for an administrative assistant job? Harvard Resource Solutions is currently hiring for administrative jobs in Detroit MI.