Work-life balance is a big topic of discussion among both employers and employees right now. In today’s hyper-connected world of cell phones and instant internet access, many people feel that work is bleeding over to non-work hours far too often. As a clerical or administrative assistant, your role is to help a company remain on track for the regular course of business. How do you stop this from encroaching on your personal life? Here are some ideas to stay on track and keep your work-life balance:

  • Be firm on your work hours.
    The biggest issue since the advent of the smartphone is the lack of boundaries between work and home life. With the option to contact anyone at any time and expecting an immediate response, this can become a problem when trying to balance both aspects. It is important to set these boundaries. People are often concerned that they will be replaced if they aren’t viewed as flexible, but flexible doesn’t have to mean available 24/7. Offer the ability to contact you during certain hours.
  • Carve out time for yourself.
    Even during the workday, too many people feel the stress that comes from too much pressure. When work is overwhelming, productivity and quality output is compromised. So, rather than spend your work hours fighting against the clock, take some time between tasks for yourself. Go for a walk around the block to clear your head for 10 minutes. Never eat your lunch at your desk. Find ways to reward your hard work with a few minutes of something that makes you feel better.
  • Turn off notifications.
    When you are off the clock, it is essential that you turn off notifications. This can be nearly impossible in today’s digital world, but it is critical to keep yourself from working when you should be spending time with your friends and family. Do not check work email or work-related texts during the times when you have already established that you will be unavailable. There is no emergency that can’t wait for an administrative need.
  • Say no and learn to delegate.
    Far too often, professionals in support roles feel the need to try to do it all. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. But this old staying is no longer applicable. You work with a number of people who are highly skilled at their jobs. Delegate parts of projects to the people who can enhance the process with their knowledge or skills. If there are people who aren’t carrying their weight, it is time to talk to management about making a change.
  • Pay attention to health and wellness.
    Lastly, don’t forget to allow yourself to focus on the part of life that is critical to maintaining your overall physical and mental wellbeing. Stress is the leading cause of heart related problems such as high blood pressure. Some people allow stress to cause them to overeat or not exercise enough which can lead to more health concerns that will take their toll over time. Make sure you make the time to fit wellness into your work-life balance.

Do you need better work-life balance? Harvard Resource Solutions is currently hiring for jobs in Troy MI and can help today!