
For your next new hire, do you already have a list of skills you hope a candidate will bring to the table? Do you know the duties they will perform day-to-day? It is wonderful to find a potential employee who checks all of the boxes, but what if they simply don’t fit in with the team or the environment. Hiring for personality matters just as much as their ability to do the job. It may actually matter more.

Here are some of the reasons hiring for personality is essential:

  • The key to the right lock. When you hire the right person for your job, you unlock previously inaccessible potential. While their qualifications are important, skills can always be learned. It is much more difficult to wedge a candidate into a role where they don’t belong. You know your company culture and core values, so get to know what these are for the candidate as well. What are they looking for and can your company provide the right environment for them to thrive?
  • Fresh ideas for success. A new perspective can make all the difference in your company. You may be seeing employee burn out and it is possible for a new employee to help take some of the pressure off the department — which can help invigorate everyone. When talking to new candidates, pay attention to red flags such as a negative attitude or desperation. They will not be the right personality fit for your company.
  • Take your time. The hiring process also shouldn’t be rushed. You don’t need to hire the first person you meet with. Talk to multiple candidates to see who might be a good fit for your organization and how a relationship will be mutually beneficial. Hiring the wrong person could not only disturb the dynamic of your office but could be much more expensive over time. That being said, don’t take too much time to “wait and see” who else is out there. Respect the candidates’ timeline as well and be sure to effectively communicate where they are in the process.

Are you ready to for your next new hire? Harvard Resource Solutions Staffing Agencies in Detroit MI can help today!