
Many people assume customer service skills are a dime a dozen. But that is entirely false. To properly sell yourself for your next CSR job, it is imperative that you create a resume that can stand out from your competition. But how do you do that when customer service skills can appear generic? Before you… Read more »


You probably have a formula for attracting top talent to your company. Good incentives and pay ranges will make them happy, right? While there is a lot to be said for those categories, one area where management often fails to make an impression is in the office environment. Unless they work remotely, your employees will… Read more »


Salary negotiations have long had a stigma in the American workplace. Why? Because no one, neither the employer nor the candidate, want to be the first to discuss money. This leads to situations where neither part is entirely happy with the results of the negotiation. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Conversations about… Read more »


In your job search, you may have begun to think about options for working from home. Many companies are now offering remote working opportunities, and the concept sounds perfect for a lot of reasons. But, as with any work experience, there are pros and cons. Before you decide to take the plunge and apply for that… Read more »


This is the season for gratitude. It is the time of year we think about all of the things for which we are thankful. They say it isn’t happy people who are thankful, but thankful people who are happy. So applying gratitude to your professional life and your employees is critical. Thanking your team is about… Read more »


Most managers are never trained on how to run a meeting that will be productive and positive. Often, meetings are a source of dread for employees when they realize that they would be better off spending their time working than talking about the work they’re doing. But meetings are sometimes essential, so it is critical… Read more »


There is no way around it. Data entry is, at its core, a repetitive task. But that doesn’t mean you have to be miserable at work. In fact, there are plenty of small things you can do to make yourself on the job no matter what it is you do for a living. Before you… Read more »


If you really want to be a better leader, there is one thing that you need to focus your energy on improving. To be the best boss, you need to be an excellent communicator. When you improve your ability to communicate with others at any level, you’ll begin to put the right pieces in order… Read more »