
  If you need help building a great team at your company, connect with the group at Harvard Resource Solutions. We provide the talented candidates your organization needs. Schedule a meeting with us at your earliest convenience. Contact Harvard Resource Solutions, now hiring for Detroit jobs today.


Pretty much everyone I’ve ever asked about this would say they would like to be smarter. And that goal of being smarter, stated or not, is common regardless how confident people are, their level of self-esteem, and even their actual or perceived level of “smartness.” It starts when we are very young — we want… Read more »


Picture yourself in this scene: You’re in a job interview. Everything is going better than you imagined it could. You look professional and fabulous. You are totally prepared. You are on a roll. You’re nailing every interview question. You feel wonderful rapport with your interviewer. Suddenly, out of the blue she asks you: “Imagine you… Read more »


Surveys conducted throughout the United States have found that the average employee admits to wasting approximately two hours out of every eight-hour work day. This does not include lunch and other scheduled breaks. If you find that you don’t have enough time to get your work done, it may be because you’re wasting more time… Read more »


  There are some people who can walk into any room with an air of confidence and instantly become friends with everyone. Those people are called extroverts, and many of us introverts often envy them in the workplace. However, even extroverts suffer from shyness at one point or another. Whether you’ve been on the job… Read more »


If you’ve been temping for a while, you know that contingent work can help you develop skills that will make you more attractive to permanent employers. But what’s the best way to showcase that experience? While the stigma once associated with contract work is a thing of the past, you’re not wrong to worry that… Read more »


Note: You have a maximum of 20 seconds to wow the reader of your letter, so you better maximize its impact by making it dynamic! There is a formula that can be followed as a guide to writing your cover letters. However, it is critical that each cover letter be unique and specific to you… Read more »


If you need help building a great team at your company, connect with the group at Harvard Resource Solutions. We provide the talented candidates your organization needs. Schedule a meeting with us at your earliest convenience. Contact Harvard Resource Solutions, now hiring for Detroit jobs today.


Every career success story is unique. While there isn’t a magic answer for taking your career to the top, following these ten steps will get you headed up the corporate ladder. Reassess your career. Is your career path well aligned with your priorities and interests? Do you possess, or can you acquire, the experience and… Read more »


It’s an inescapable fact that interviews are the “make or break” factor on whether one lands the job. So it is surprising to find that most job seekers approach interviews with a cavalier attitude, without any preparation – they simply wake up the morning of the interview, cross their fingers, and hope for the best…. Read more »