Job Offer Negotiation: Secure Your Worth


Securing a job offer is a major accomplishment, but the journey doesn’t end there. The next step is negotiating the terms of your offer to ensure you’re getting the best possible deal. Many job seekers shy away from negotiation, fearing it might jeopardize the offer. However, negotiation is a standard part of the hiring process… Read more »

How Your Work History Affects Your Job Hunt in the New Age of Work


Some say the resume is dying. I say it’s not. For most jobs, you still have to present an impressive resume and cover letter to land an interview. But the resume–and other details of the job hunt–certainly are changing. Resumes are morphing into a combination of digital identity and the traditional summary of work experience… Read more »

Do You Really Need a Cover Letter? Really??


The question of whether to include a cover letter in your job application doesn’t have a single answer. Cover letters allow you to provide insight into your experience that a resume can’t communicate and to clearly articulate why you’re an ideal fit for a position. But if you’re sending out dozens of applications, writing a… Read more »

Top 10 Steps to Catapult Your Career up the Corporate Ladder


Every career success story is unique. While there isn’t a magic answer for taking your career to the top, following these ten steps will get you headed up the corporate ladder. Reassess your career. Is your career path well aligned with your priorities and interests? Do you possess, or can you acquire, the experience and… Read more »

5 Best Tips for Managing Challenging Employees


Personality differences can be a real challenge in the office. If someone isn’t getting along or not playing well with others your first response doesn’t have to be termination. As a manager there are many options for you when approaching your most challenging employees, before they become toxic. Here are five ways you can create… Read more »

Are Your Employees Happy? (Can You Tell?)


Employee engagement is essential for a successful company. Every manager wants to makes sure that their employees are satisfied and happy on the job. Are your employees happy? How can you tell? Here are a few things to keep in mind to gauge your employees’ happiness and continue to show your appreciation: Measurement. The only… Read more »