Protect Your Online Reputation During Your Search


Social media is ever-present in our culture today and is used by job seekers to find new positions and recruiters to find new candidates. Blog posts, photographs, videos, and participation in forums are always searchable, even if the original source was deleted. Because there is no way to eliminate negative information on the internet, job… Read more »

Changing Careers? Here are Tips for LinkedIn


It isn’t uncommon for individuals to look at career changes more than once in their adult life. However, it can be difficult to convey your experience to a new employer when they have different expectations about your previous experience. The key is to determine your transferable skills and communicate them effectively. As the premier online… Read more »

Resume Prep. Ask Yourself These Questions


As job seekers we are often told to spend time preparing for an interview, but what about your resume? Have you ever sat down and really assessed yourself and your job search before writing this extremely important document? A resume is your first impression so you have to make it matter. Consider these questions when… Read more »

Signs it is Time to Switch Up Your Strategy


Job searching is as much a skill as the career for which you trained. If you have been unemployed for longer than you expected you may want to re-evaluate your job hunt and make a few changes that can greatly increase your effectiveness. Consider these following signs of trouble and ways you can improve your… Read more »

Time Management can Expand Your Network


It may seem as though time management and networking are on two different ends of your job search spectrum. However, using one method to enhance the other is a great way to expand your reach. Here are some successful ways other career networkers have maximized their time and increased their connections. Be a morning person…. Read more »

Does your Resume Answer These Questions?


There is truly only one question your resume must answer. “Why do I want to hire this person?” Why are you a better fit than the rest of the resumes that the recruiter has received for their job posting? You only have a few seconds for your resume to make an impression. Here are the… Read more »