Whether it is spring, summer, winter, or fall there are so many distractions that can take an employee’s focus away from their work. Keeping your team engaged is critical to your company’s production. So how can you build up the morale in your office environment? There are some easy ways to ensure that you staff is focused and motivated. Here are 5 tips for improving company morale.

  1. Give them ownership. The best way to encourage your team on the job is to give them ownership over their own work and projects. Employees like to feel as though their contribution matters and that they have a personal stake in success. By letting them take the wheel on portions of the business that matter to them or that they’re particularly good at, you can encourage higher participation and production.
  2. Celebrate accomplishments. You should also make sure that you are ready with praise whenever it is deserved. Many employees feel that their managers only speak to them when they have something critical to say. Instead, let them know that their work is appreciated. Even just a “thank you” when a job is completed well will help but you can also implement recognition programs to demonstrate your gratitude regularly.
  3. Value time off work. Did you know that fewer than half of U.S. workers take all of their allotted vacation time? The reason for this is that many people are afraid to be away from the office. They are afraid that their boss will think they aren’t contributing or that they will be replaced. They are afraid that they will return to a pile of work. In many cases, they’re right. Make sure you let your team know that their vacation days are important, because time off is a great way to recharge.
  4. Offer continued training. Your staff also wants to continue their professional growth. As soon as an employee becomes bored or feels stagnant, they will be more likely to consider other options. Provide plenty of continued training to keep their skills fresh and encourage them to learn new things and progress within the company.
  5. Focus on having fun. Lastly, you want to make sure that your staff enjoys coming to work every day. While there are, of course, very serious tasks that need to be done each and every day, you can encourage your team to have fun without compromising productivity or quality. Plan activities that can break up the day. Reserve Fridays for fun events like pizza parties, ice cream socials, jeans day, or 4 o’clock cocktails.

Are you looking for more ways to keep your staff motivated? Harvard Resource Solutions Staffing Agencies in Troy MI can help today!