Personality differences can be a real challenge in the office. If someone isn’t getting along or not playing well with others your first response doesn’t have to be termination. As a manager there are many options for you when approaching your most challenging employees, before they become toxic.
Here are five ways you can create an environment where even the most frustrating employees can thrive.
- Check in frequently. Some employees are challenged with organization or keeping their mind on one task at a time. If this is the case the best remedy can be to check in with them frequently to see how they are doing and if they need any help. Don’t confuse this with micromanagement. You don’t want to end up doing their job for them.
- Demand accountability. If your problem employee is a slacker the best thing you can do is demand accountability. You need to establish clear deadlines and guidelines for projects. If things aren’t completed on time or with the quality that is expected you may need to take corrective action.
- Provide stress management. A people pleaser will be likely to say yes to everyone’s requests because they never want to disappoint anyone. These tend to be the employees that burn out quickly because they don’t even realize that their behavior is destructive. Give them the tools they need to manage their stress in the office and to feel okay about saying no to their managers and coworkers.
- Redirect their energy. Some of your staff might be more caught up in their ability to socialize in the office than their ability to do the work at hand. If there are people getting too distracted by one another you may need to remove them from the situation and redirect their energy to something that engages them.
- No tolerance policies for bullying. Lastly, if you have a bully in your office do not tolerate their negative behavior. This is bad for morale and bad for your business. Take employee complaints seriously and trust your own instincts. A bully can be the worst enemy inside your own ranks so don’t give them the ability to control the situation.
Do you have some concerns about members of your team? Harvard Resource Solutions Agencies in Detroit MI can help so call us today!