There is a saying; “It isn’t happy people who are thankful, it is thankful people who are happy.” This is a great lesson to keep in mind this time of year as we begin to celebrate Thanksgiving with our friends and family. But what about thankfulness within the office? How can you create a culture of gratitude in your organization that will help keep your employees happy and engaged?

The most important lesson is that this gratitude needs to start with you. Here’s how you can show thanks to your team.

  • Stop micromanaging.
    No one likes to feel like someone is breathing down their neck when they’re trying to accomplish a task. If you want your team to respect you more, and be more productive, leave this bad habit behind you. Instead, become more gracious as a manager. Allow your team to do the work you hired them to do. Respect the way they do it, even if it is different from your methods, as long as the results are achieved.
  • Be humble.
    By the same token, it is important to remain humble. Just because you’re the manager doesn’t mean that you know absolutely everything. Be willing to accept help or ideas form your staff. They are also skilled and talented and they have things to contribute. Humility will help you let go of the reins just a little. You’ll be surprised by the results.
  • Say thank you.
    Of course, you can’t forget to say these words to your staff. Say “Thank You” whenever someone goes above and beyond. Say it when they do their day-to-day job. Say it when they hold the door for you or clear the breakroom table. Encourage them to say it to each other. Occasionally send a thank-you card to their homes as a nice surprise and break from the day-to-day.
  • Pitch in.
    Lastly, another great way to show your gratitude toward your employees and encourage them to be grateful in return is to help out whenever it is needed. You weren’t always the manager. At one time, had similar duties as your staff, so if you see them struggling pitch in. But be careful not to fall back on the old micromanaging habits.

Do you have a culture of gratitude in your office? Harvard Resource Solutions Staffing Agencies in Detroit MI can help so call us today!


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