Have you done everything absolutely right to find your next candidate? You created a killer job posting, you are offering a competitive salary, and your office environment is a great place to work. You may even be targeting candidates in all the right places, including social media and in your own community. But why aren’t you getting qualified candidates applying for your job? Did you know that your application process could be to blame? Here’s why.

  • There are too many steps. Studies have shown that applicants will often abandon the online application process if there are too many steps. Do they have to click past several pages to share simple information like their name and resume? If so, consider simplifying your process to attract more potential candidates. You can work with your website designer to create something much more user friendly.
  • Your site isn’t optimized for mobile. Handheld computing devices have changed the way we communicate, and if companies don’t keep up with this technology they will be left behind. Many adults access the internet from their cell phones or tablets, so if the application site isn’t optimized for use on these devices, they won’t continue the process. Most web professionals can make this process easy for your company web page.
  • The instructions aren’t clear. It may be possible that candidates aren’t submitting their application because they find the process confusing. Look to see if you’re consistent in your instructions or if there may be something that is unclear to the job seekers. Have someone outside your company go through the process to see if anything is confusing. Once you determine where the bottleneck is, you can fix it.
  • The “apply now” link is broken. Lastly, the most basic reason that qualified candidates don’t apply to your job is because the link on your website doesn’t work. This is such an easy fix, but so many people miss it because they don’t use their own website regularly enough to notice when something is broken. Check this first and make sure it isn’t the problem. Then, work with your design team to fix it.

Do you want to know if your online application process is driving away the best candidates? Harvard Resource Solutions Staffing Agencies in Detroit MI can help, so call us now!