Before you go for that next customer service interview, it is important to create a strategy for answering the potential employer’s questions the right way. This doesn’t mean only saying what they want to hear, but instead, knowing how to position your experience to increase their interest level in you as a candidate. There are ways to frame your accomplishments to steer the interview in the right direction. Here are some tips to help you make the best impression for your next customer service job interview.
- Match your skills to the company.
It is up to you to do your homework before an initial meeting with a customer service employer. This way, when you’re asked about what you want to do and what your previous experience is, you can match this directly to what the company is looking for in a new employee. - Tell them what benefits hiring you will provide.
While you want to know what the company can offer you, you need to provide them details about what you can offer them. For example, talk to them about ways you utilized your experience in the past to save your company money. Or how you managed to improve the company’s customer retention rate by providing exemplary phone service. - Avoid irrelevant points of conversation.
Don’t go off on a tangent. Even if you have done work as an administrative assistant or an AP clerk in the past, it will be irrelevant in this customer service position. The only time you would need to discuss these things is if they are brought up by the interviewer; perhaps to gauge where else you might be a fit in the company or for future growth. - Don’t be negative about your previous employer.
Lastly, regardless of the reasons you left your last position, never speak in a negative way about that job. An interviewer will rightly assume that if you are negative about your previous experience that you will also bring that attitude to the new workplace and never be truly happy in your job.
Are you looking for a customer service position? Harvard Resource Solutions is now hiring for jobs in Detroit MI, so call us today!