It is perfectly natural to feel frustrated while you’re in the middle of a long job search. You have a resume that’s been proofread and looks great. You interview well. But you’re still not getting the job offer. Remember, this job search rejection may not be you at all!

Companies have to make difficult hiring decisions all the time. Rarely is there only one applicant per job opening, so not everyone who applies for a job can get that final offer. If you’re feeling more rejection than you’d care to admit, consider this job seeker advice.

  • Everyone has a great job offer fall through.
    No matter how good a candidate you are, you’ve experienced rejection. Why? Every job reviews dozens, if not hundreds, of resumes, and those candidates are narrowed down into just a few to screen and interview. A company may interview five or 10 people, but they only have one job offer. Their choice may come down to tiny nuances in someone’s experience or personality. Even if you’re perfect, which no one is, you won’t get every offer.
  • Go ahead and vent to the right audience.
    And it is OK to be frustrated about that. But understand how and where you’re venting about your experience. Positivity is important in a job search, so don’t tell potential employers how frustrated you are with the job offers you didn’t get. Instead, focus on what you can do for each company and position yourself as a great candidate. Talk about your frustrations with your close friends or family privately.
  • Trust us, it may be for the best.
    Sure, no one wants to hear the old adage, “everything happens for a reason.” But, in many cases, it’s true. If you don’t get a job offer, it may be because the job wouldn’t have been a good fit for your career. If you accepted that job, maybe you wouldn’t be in a position to accept another job that would be better suited for you. Always move forward, don’t look back.
  • Many people experience a career slump.
    Every CEO or entrepreneur has experienced some level of failure. Failure is not the problem, it’s what you’ve learned from it that matters. If you decide that you can’t get up and brush yourself off and move forward, you will hold yourself back. Take the lessons you’ve learned from situations that didn’t work out and apply them to your future. You can be a better person because you’ve pushed ahead.

Are you ready to tackle your job search with renewed energy? Harvard Resource Solutions is now hiring for jobs in Southeast MI, so call us now!


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