In your job search, you may have begun to think about options for working from home. Many companies are now offering remote working opportunities, and the concept sounds perfect for a lot of reasons. But, as with any work experience, there are pros and cons.
Before you decide to take the plunge and apply for that next job working from home, here are some of the things you should consider.
Pro: No commute.
Of course, a huge advantage of a work-from-home job is the lack of commute. You don’t need to spend anywhere from a half hour to several hours of your day driving to and from the office. That means as soon as you’re ready to start, you can start.
Con: No community.
On the other hand, what working from home lacks that an office can provide is a sense of belonging. When you work at a company, you have a community of co-workers to help out when necessary and be there as a sounding board or just company while you’re working.
Pro: Less stress.
At home, you may find that you are less stressed than in an office. There are a lot of contributors to stress when it comes to your career, and it can lead to health problems like heart disease and stroke. At home, it is easier to step away from stressful situations.
Con: More accountability.
However, without management there to directly supervise your work, you need to be responsible for ensuring that you complete your tasks on time and in a quality manner. Working from home is more based on results than on hours worked.
Pro: Fewer distractions.
When you are trying to work on a task, you won’t have to deal with the phones or with co-workers interested in striking up a conversation about the latest episode of The Walking Dead. You can give yourself time limits to complete projects and meet them.
Con: More distractions.
However, there may be other distractions present while you’re working from home. There will always be laundry to do, or children and pets vying for your time and attention. Family members may misunderstand what working from home means and ask you to help out with errands during work hours.
Do you think working from home is a viable option for you? Contact Harvard Resource Solutions to learn more!