Salary negotiations have long had a stigma in the American workplace. Why? Because no one, neither the employer nor the candidate, want to be the first to discuss money. This leads to situations where neither part is entirely happy with the results of the negotiation. But it doesn’t have to be that way!

Conversations about salary may be the most important topic to discuss once you’ve decided to hire someone, so don’t make it awkward and it won’t be. Here are some things you can do help talk more openly about money in the hiring process.

Approach the discussion without stigma.
Many employers start by asking the wrong question, “What is your current salary?” In truth, this should have no bearing on the negotiations for your job because the requirements and environment may be very different. Instead, remove the stigma of salary negotiations by starting from a place based on information about the market.

Start the conversation early in the process.
Many people are afraid to discuss salary right away. But it may be important to talk about it very early in the process. In this way, you’ll be managing the expectations and if at any point the negotiations aren’t working for either party, it won’t be too devastating to walk away.

Be thorough about what you discuss.
People are also often afraid of claiming precise numbers. They’ll give a range or say they’re flexible. But that is rarely the case. Instead, put together numbers that make sense based on your location and industry. Also, be sure to talk about the bonuses or incentives your company offers along with benefits.

Don’t be afraid to ask direct questions.
If you can’t meet over salary negotiations, it might be time to find out why. Ask them direct questions about what they’re looking for and what it would take to make an offer. This can give you an idea of where you need to go from your perspective.

Take control of the salary situation.
Control over salary negotiations isn’t about who is right and who is wrong. Nor is it about making sure you have the upper hand. When you’re in control of the conversation, you can remove the stigma and create a safe environment to talk about one of the most important aspects of a job offer. And this is good for everyone.

Are you prepared for salary negotiations with your new hire? Contact Harvard Resource Solutions Staffing Agencies in Detroit MI to learn more!


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