Communication is Key: Engage Your Employees


Many companies think that technology in the workplace has enhanced interpersonal communication. All too often these tools, which are meant to make life easier, are more overwhelming than helpful. Since much of today’s business is conducting over the internet, face to face communication is becoming a lost art form. Managers and employees are both feeling… Read more »

Improve Your Workplace this Year


As the job market begins to open up many employees are considering whether or not they are satisfied in their current place of employment. Managers can affect this decision by providing some simple improvements to increase employee engagement.  These changes don’t need to be costly. Here are four simple ideas that can change your workplace… Read more »

Managing Big Data and Analytics to Improve Business


What does Big Data mean for the average workplace? As technology grows more and more companies are trying to focus their time and energy on whatever makes the most money. Hiring and employee relations don’t usually fit into this equation. This is truly unfortunate as the employees are the key to having a successful business… Read more »

Recovering from a Bad Hire


Regardless of how careful you are in the hiring process every manager can make a bad decision. How do you recover from this situation? Here are some tips for recovering from the mistake and ways to not make it again. Review your sources. How are you finding candidates for your role? Look carefully at those… Read more »

Keyword Searching to Grow Your Business


The internet provides immediate information to anyone with a keyboard and a connection. This kind of information can be invaluable to business owners. There are several ways you can search for information on the web that can help you grow your business. Use these 5 tips to make the most of your internet searches. What… Read more »

Do Your Employees Complain? Do Your Customers Complain? Here’s how to Handle It.


As much as we try to avoid it as business owners complaints are something that will happen occasionally. Even the best run organization will face a complaint from a customer or an employee at some time. The key is to handle it with grace and composure and be able to come out the other side… Read more »

Improving Your Workplace | Company Culture


Happy workers are better workers. This isn’t some sort of magic science, but just the truth of how the human mind works. They key for management is to determine exactly how to make your employees more content and happy to work for your business. Here are several tips to improve the overall attitude in your… Read more »

High Potential Employee Traits


How can you tell if an employee has what it takes to go to the next level of their career? When you’re making a hiring decision or choosing to promote someone within your organization, there are some key traits that will stand out for the right candidates. Here are the five things that high-potential employees… Read more »

Michigan’s Positive Job Outlook


Michigan has struggled for so long that it may be difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Michigan’s recession began long before the rest of the country, and has seen little to no growth since the national recession ended. However, the news is not all grim. There is quite a bit… Read more »