Not all resumes are 100 percent accurate. Many job seekers pad their experience or change their job title just a little bit to impress potential employers. This in and of itself isn’t necessarily bad, unless the exaggerations become bigger deceptions. It is important to screen all candidates and perform background checks before offering candidates a job. Here are a few things you can do to make sure the candidate on paper is the one you hire:

  • Skills testing.
    Just because a person indicates that they are proficient or an expert in software like Microsoft Word or PowerPoint doesn’t mean they actually are. The only way to know for sure is to test them on these programs. There are many testing services available that can provide results for multiple versions of common and less than common software that a candidate may need to know to be successful in your business.
  • Reference checking.
    So many companies skip the reference checking portion of the hiring process. This should really be considered essential. However, with corporations creating rules that they can only verify dates of employment, hiring managers need to dig deeper to get any real information. Ask for the contact information of former managers or co-workers who may have moved on to a different company and are not restricted by those rules.
  • Background screening.
    There are many different types of background checks available. Some search at a county or state level, some search for only felony convictions. Depending on the needs of your industry, you may want to investigate the options to determine the qualifying factors for employment with your company. Keep in mind that background checks can be inaccurate or unrelated and their results should be used with caution. Always use a verified product and don’t attempt to conduct background checks through Google to avoid any discriminatory practices.
  • Work with a staffing service.
    The best way to accomplish all of these goals before hiring someone is to work with a staffing company. Your local recruiters will pre-screen and vet all possible employees before even submitting them to you for review. They can customize their screening process to fit your specific needs.

Do you want to know more about the pre-screening process? Harvard Resource Solutions Staffing Agencies in Troy MI can help you today!