As a hiring manager, you are likely inundated with a variety of tools to help you find new talent for your open positions. These tools range from affordable to cost prohibitive, and yet you’re expected to use every tool available to source top candidates. But what if you knew of a completely free way to find and recruit better quality job seekers for your roles?

There is a way that doesn’t involve a lot of investment or cost from your company. Simply improving your level of communication will improve your quality of candidates. Use these tips to land better employees without spending a dime.

Send Timely Responses to Queries

Once you put a job posting out into the world, you’ll start getting resumes. It can be overwhelming, but it’s important to respond to all queries to let people know that you’ve received them and will be reviewing them. The easiest way for a company to do this is to set up an autoresponder in the system used to receive resumes.

Keep Lines of Communication Open

Once you review a resume and contact the qualified individuals, be sure to keep those lines of communication open. The job seekers may have questions that you can help clarify at various points along the process. Don’t shut them out just because you’re too busy.

Follow up With Every Interview

You may interview three or five people for the position itself. When you do, be sure to follow up with each person who interviewed. You never know when someone is going to become an asset for your team in the future, even if they aren’t a match for the position at the moment.

Don’t Ghost Candidates

Ghosting isn’t just reserved for dating apps. Companies will sometimes feel overwhelmed with applicants and avoid contacting them. But ghosting creates a negative reputation for your company, which may come back in the future. Be cordial when an applicant contacts you, and don’t avoid letting them know any potentially bad news.

Do you want to know more about hiring top talent in our region? Contact the experts at Harvard Resource Solutions today. As a top staffing agency in Southeast MI, we can help you find the best available candidates for your open positions!