Your employees are the single most important investment your company will ever make. Have you taken some time to consider the employee experience for your Michigan workers? If not, now may be a good time to consider how your employees like their job, how they talk about it to others, and what benefits they get and provide you, as well. Here are some tips to help you improve your Michigan employee experience starting today.

Are They Happy or Engaged?

You want to make sure your team is happy on the job, but more importantly, you need to consider their engagement. This is the level to which they are invested in the organization, like their jobs, and are willing to be good representatives for you both in and out of the office. To encourage engagement is more than just providing a nice environment. You also need to challenge your team and give them opportunities to grow and expand.

Are You Actively Listening?

What happens when someone comes to you with a concern? They talk to you about what’s going on and then what? Do you take their information under advisement and make changes in the organization? Or do you let them talk and then go about things business as usual? Active listening is essential for your team to feel engaged. They need to know their voices are being heard.

Are You Encouraging Participation and Collaboration?

Today’s employees want a lot of things, but one workplace culture item that seems to be the top of the list is a collaborative environment. Gone are the days when employees thrive off internal competition. They want to work with their teammates to create solutions and come up with creative and innovative ideas. Think about how you can encourage your team to want to participate in your company culture.

Are You Providing Recognition and Rewards?

Do you say “thank you” to your team often enough? Gratitude is a cornerstone of engagement, and your employees want to know they are appreciated. That isn’t just for the work they do above and beyond, but just for their day-to-day contributions. You should also consider a reward and recognition program to give extra credit to those who are able to do more.

How would you rate your Michigan employee experience? Harvard Resource Solutions, Staffing Agencies in Southeast MI, can help today. Click to contact a recruiter.