Now that we’ve taken a look back at what we did here at the Harvard Resource Solutions blog, let’s regroup and determine how we can finish out December on a high note. With every new year comes new resolutions and energy to keep us going. But the end of the year feels more reflective. How can you maintain your strength and help your business finish 2019 on a high note?

Your Online Presence

When was the last time you took a closer look at your company’s social media? Or how long ago did you recent update your website? Does it include all the things experts suggest? Have you evaluated your SEO, your UX, or mobile interface? For example, UX stands for user experience in terms of your website design. How easy is it for potential candidates or customers to navigate your site and apply for jobs or contact your customer service representatives?

Is your branding consistent across all of your online platforms from your website to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter? The end of 2019 is a great time to take a step back and determine what it is you need to update.

The Candidate Experience

When we talk about UX, that’s only a part of the overall candidate experience. Now is an excellent time to think about how potential applicants interact with your entire hiring process. This starts with the online application process. Studies have shown that if your application is too complicated, you may miss out on qualified applicants.

Beyond the application, how do you move on to the next stages of the process? Take a look at your communication strategy? How do you keep candidates engaged while you’re conducting interviews? How do you let candidates know they’ve not been selected? Consider your complete candidate experience and find something you can improve on for the New Year.

Back Office

Don’t forget your back office. This can feel like a real drag, but it’s essential. Have you looked at data retention? How much paperwork do you need to keep, and how far back can you go to eliminate storage? This is an excellent time of year to organize a secure document shredding service if you haven’t already.

And don’t forget your electronic records. There are also rules in terms of digital storage and data privacy. You may want to consider your options and even talk to an expert if you don’t already have systems in place.

How can you make significant changes for 2020? Contact Harvard Resource Solutions today.