Recruiters often seen 100 resume or more per day. Trust us when we say we’ve seen it all; the good, the bad, and the ugly. Resume writing isn’t exactly intuitive, so it helps to have a second opinion before you submit the final documents. But before you do, take a look at what you have and make sure you’re not committing the three biggest and most common resume blunders candidates make when they look for jobs in Detroit.
You Haven’t Checked for Typos
Do not, under any circumstance, send your resume off to a potential employer without checking it thoroughly for easy-to-miss typos. Some typos won’t be caught by your computer’s spell check function, and they can be absolutely tragic if left unchanged. For example, it’s easy to mix up their, there, and they’re. Your and you’re are also common mistakes.
It can be even more devastating when you mistake two words that have very different meanings. For instance, “It was great to meet you last weak” is not the same as “It was great to meet you last week.”
Your Resume Is Far Too Long
Another mistake people make with their resumes is making them way too long. You may want to include all of your relevant experience, but that doesn’t mean you have to include everything that has ever happened to you. A good rule of thumb with your resume is to only go back 10 years, and only include experience specifically relevant to the job. So, you can leave off your high school babysitting jobs or anything you did back in the 1980s.
If you can keep your resume to just one page, that’s great. Otherwise, try to make sure it is no longer than two. Anything more probably won’t be read for open jobs in Detroit.
You’ve Not Been Entirely Honest
Finally, before you submit your resume, really do a good reality check on it. If you can’t verify the information on your resume, you may need to leave it off. Many people want to embellish, and there are some small things you can do that will raise the perspective of things you’ve actually done. But be very careful when you do this. The potential employer is likely to contact your references, so you don’t want to say anything that can be proven false.
The truth is, lying on your resume is not a victimless crime. You will be expected to keep up with this information and if they discover, even after you’re hired, that you were less than truthful, you may not keep the new job for very long.
Do you want more advice to help with your job search? Contact Harvard Resource Solutions, now hiring for jobs in Detroit MI.