Hiring talented employees is only part of the equation when it comes to building a great workplace. Your company’s managers and executive team needs to ensure its team stays engaged, inspired, and focused on producing great work. In a competitive economy, this approach helps keep your overall productivity – and retention rate – as high as possible.

Here are a few tips and insights on what your organization’s leaders need to provide staff to keep employee morale moving upwards. Leverage these ideas for a successful company – both now and in the future.

Keep Your Team in the Loop

It is vital your staff is kept informed regarding company business – both current news and future prospects. The organization’s entire managerial team needs to be great communicators. Hold regular roundtable meetings with project teams, and utilize company-wide meetings for important updates.

Offering meaningful constructive feedback on performance throughout the year – not waiting for an annual review – is another positive communication approach worthy of consideration.

Communication Is a Two-Way Street

Employees want to know that their opinions are valued. Maintain an open door communication policy that allows your team to offer advice and other valuable insights on company operations. This plays a key role in keeping employee morale at its highest.

Recognize Your Top Performers

Talented employees are worth their weight in gold in today’s economy. As such, you need to show appreciation to the best performers on your team. This includes everything from a public shout-out during a company meeting, to being generous with project bonuses and raises. Stock options are another consideration for recognition, especially at startup firms.

Offer a Chance to Develop Their Career

Employees generally want to build a rewarding career. Providing a robust training program helps newer talent develop their skills, while veteran pros are able to learn the latest technologies. Additionally, offer tuition reimbursement to encourage your staff to earn an advanced degree. This also helps with employee retention.

When you need additional advice on building a great engineering team at your shop, talk to the insightful group at Harvard Resource Solutions. As one of the top administrative & clerical agencies in the Midwest, we maintain a supply of great candidates to foster your success. Schedule some time with us soon!