Being able to peruse a résumé quickly remains an important skill for hiring managers and HR professionals. After all, they sometimes need to analyze upwards of 100 candidates for an open position. Determining who is the most qualified and worthy of an interview must happen as quickly as possible.
To improve your company’s staffing efforts, check out this guide on reading résumés. In the end, this information plays a key role in your organization making the right hiring decision for your next job opportunity. Leverage these insights to avoid choosing the wrong candidate.
Honing Your Résumé Scanning Skills is Critical
As mentioned earlier, your company might receive over 100 résumés for its open position. This volume places the onus on your HR team to quickly vet the contents of each résumé. This requires a quick scanning of every CV. Focus on finding those keywords matching the requested skills and experience in your job ad.
Also, pay close attention to the candidate’s spelling and grammar. It provides a window into their attention to detail and the overall quality of their work. Any egregious errors likely result in foregoing an interview for that candidate.
Perform a Detailed Analysis After Identifying The Best Candidates
Once you determined the candidates that deserve a closer look, take a deeper dive into each résumé. This time pay more attention to the work history section of their CV. Are the types of projects similar to the ones at your company? How many years of experience do they have in the tools and technologies listed in your job ad?
Additionally, analyze their job titles and duties as their career progressed. Do they hold more responsibility now compared to a few years ago? Are there any obvious gaps in their work history? This information helps you determine where each candidate lies within their career path.
Don’t Forget to Read The Candidate’s Cover Letter
The cover letter also provides useful information, especially when deciding which candidates to interview. In fact, reading every cover letter might be a waste of time when first perusing résumés. In addition to checking their spelling and grammar, try to get some insights into the candidate’s personality. Do they seem excited about your open position? Did they mention how their experiences match what your organization needs?
If you need help building a great team at your company, connect with the group at Harvard Resource Solutions. We provide the talented candidates your organization needs. Schedule a meeting with us at your earliest convenience.
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