No matter how much you prepare for an interview, you may find yourself in a situation that makes you very uncomfortable. If you come face-to-face with a stressful interview, how can you keep your cool? A stressful interview may mean you don’t want the job anyway but that doesn’t mean you can just walk out and burn the bridges. Here are a few tips to maintain calm:

  • Determine if they are trying to test your stress responses.
    Some interviews are trying to rattle your cage on purpose. They want to know what you’re like in stressful situations. They may be indicative of the job environment so assess the interview on its own merits when you’re deciding to accept a job.
  • You can only control your reactions.
    You can’t change the way the interviewer asks questions but you can control how you react to them. Don’t allow yourself to get flustered. Before answering a question take a breath and remain calm.
  • Don’t take the bait and don’t be afraid to repeat yourself.
    Some interviewers just don’t know their own boundaries. They may ask questions that are unrelated to the job or actually discriminatory. If you refuse to answer they may ask again another way. It is perfectly okay for you to maintain your course and repeat answers such as “That question is unrelated to my ability to perform my job.”
  • Pay attention to your body language.
    Sometimes it isn’t your words that give you away but your body language. Are you tense, nervous, sweating? Are you fidgeting or closing your arms in front of you. Even if you don’t think the job is right, you still want to behave in such a way to leave a positive impression.

Are you looking for more advice for successful interviews? Harvard Resource Solutions,offering jobs in Troy MI, can help today!