
Is there any generation that can escape the label of “slacker?” Generation X practically invented the term, and then went on to produce some of the most prolific entrepreneurs in history. Millennials are no different. Older generations see them as entitled and lazy. They say that millennials expect people to hand them opportunities rather than work for them. But what if the problem doesn’t lie with the millennials themselves? Could changing your management approach be all it takes to see millennials reach their full potential in your workplace? Here are some ideas for managing the millennials on your staff.

Give them room to question.

If you ask two employees from difference generations to do a task, some older professional may be inclined to simply say “yes” and get started. Millennials, on the other hand, want to know more. You may feel like it isn’t their place, but that isn’t actually the problem. If you answer them, and they understand the inherent value of the project, they are more inclined to succeed.

Provide collaborative environments.

Millennials have a reputation that they always received participation trophies when they were growing up. While that is extreme, there is some truth to the idea. Millennials were raised in an extremely collaborative environment. The team was more important than the individual. They were able to crowdsource solutions to any problem from their smart phones. This is the way they think, so take advantage of it!

Share the feedback they want.

This isn’t to say only tell them what they want to hear, but tell them something. Tell them anything. Millennials don’t want to wait until their annual review to know how they’re doing. That will leave them to fill in the gaps, and often they will imagine the worst. They don’t need handholding, but feedback will go a long way.

Encourage them to grow in their career.

They also have a reputation that they want to advance their career at a faster-than-possible pace. They can be seen leaving companies after less-than-one year for another opportunity with more money and responsibilities. People think this is because they can’t hack it, but the opposite is true. They want to be loyal but they expect that their employer will give them the tools they need to grow their career.

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