The Holidays mean a lot of things at your office. They’re a time to slow down and celebrate, or they may mark your busiest time of year. You may be preparing for year-end filing and paperwork or planning for tax season after January.

Another thing that comes along with the New Year is your performance review. Are you ready for your next session? If not, here are some things you can do in December to make that annual review a little easier to manage.

  • Take a look back at 2015.
    Before you go into a meeting with your boss, you need to evaluate your own performance for the year. Look at your accomplishments and create a list of things you were particularly proud of from 2015. These will give you a starting point to share your successes and make your case for additional money or responsibilities.
  • Be honest about your shortfalls.
    Of course, not everything you did this past year will have had a positive outcome. Never hide your mistakes or blame them on someone else. Your employer will probably bring up the things that weren’t so stellar, so have a plan to talk about them honestly and actions you can take to improve those areas of performance.
  • Consider your future goals.
    You should also be aware of your plans for your career. Do you expect 2016 to be more of the same? Your employer may offer you more responsibilities, or they may not. Employees who can ask for what they want are far more likely to be given new opportunities in the future.
  • Establish what you want from the conversation.
    To this end, it is important that you know what you want out of the conversation to begin with. Is it more money? Be prepared to justify why a raise would benefit both you and the employer. Do you want more responsibilities? Offer some proposals for things that you think would be a good addition to the business.

Are you prepared for your review in 2016? Harvard Resource Solutions, now hiring for jobs in Detroit MI, can help you prepare for whatever you want in the New Year!


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