The internet provides immediate information to anyone with a keyboard and a connection. This kind of information can be invaluable to business owners. There are several ways you can search for information on the web that can help you grow your business. Use these 5 tips to make the most of your internet searches.
- What are people looking for? What does your company do? Google that term and see if you come up. Now, think about what your audience might actually be Googling to find businesses that do what you do. These two things might not be the same. For instance, in the staffing industry many companies don’t like the use of the term “Agency” preferring to replace it with “Service.” However, many individuals who are looking for jobs are Googling “Staffing Agency” and won’t find a company who does not use these combinations of key words on their page. Keep this in mind when adding search terms anywhere on your website.
- What are your competitors doing? Consider these same search terms in regards to your competitors website. If you know a search string is popular but similar companies aren’t using it you may want to consider adding it to your website to maximize your exposure.
- Stay one step ahead of trends. Look at websites like Google Analytics and set up Google Alerts for topics that are important in your industry. When you see trends begin to emerge be the first to incorporate them into your business language.
- Track your ROI. Not all internet investment is good investment and some free services are still the best out there. Really pay attention to the money that you are spending on your search engine optimization and other methods of increasing traffic to your site.
- Don’t get too comfortable. Trends change daily in the world of internet marketing. Once you have your site and social media where you want it, don’t stop. Keep constantly adding content and updating information to make it relevant to your customers and readers every day.
Are you looking to partner with a staffing company who truly understands today’s world of internet marketing? Contact Harvard Resources Solutions to see how we can help you!