Telephone interviews can be a challenge for many job seekers. However, more employers are using this technique to try to narrow down the expansive field in a market flooded with qualified candidates. Before your next phone interview think through the ways you can prepare and succeed. Here are 4 things you can start doing today.

  1. Treat it like any interview. One of the biggest red flags for an employer is a candidate who doesn’t seem to take the phone interview seriously. Be sure to have a place away from distractions such as children, pets, or public noise. Make sure your phone connection is reliable. Dress for the interview to put yourself in a professional state of mind. Treat the conversation just like you would a face to face meeting.
  2. Read the job description. Before your scheduled interview be sure to sit down and review the job description. Create a list of the job duties and match it to your experience which will give you a reference page for the discussion. When asked about your experience, be sure to make the connections for the interviewer.
  3. Highlight your accomplishments. The hiring manager is looking for results so give them a reason to want to know more about you as a candidate. Share real data about accomplishments in your career. Did you save your company money? Were you presented an award? Do you volunteer in your community? All of these things can give them a better picture of your background.
  4. Be clear in your communications. The main difference between a face to face meeting and a phone interview is the lack of visual cues. Humans rely a lot on body language and when it isn’t there we tend to fill in the blanks for ourselves. Make sure that you are being clear and positive when answer the questions over the phone. It is actually true that they can hear you smiling on the other end of the phone.

Are you ready to schedule a phone interview with your next potential employer? If you are looking for temp jobs in Detroit MI, contact Harvard Resource Solutions today.