Your temporary assignment could be a great bridge between unemployment and a full time career. When you start your next short term assignment, keep in mind what it might take to impress the client company and turn it into a permanent opportunity. Here are a few ways to make yourself stand out and be invaluable in your temporary role.

  • Exceed their expectations. You are capable of much more than what the job description has laid out for you, so take advantage of found opportunities. Exceed their expectations by performing over and above the level required for a complete and successful project. This will give your temp employer an opportunity to see how you can shine.
  • Build relationships. When you’re working short term jobs get to know some key players in the organization. Even if that particular assignment ends, you may be remembered down the road when a permanent position comes open.
  • Show your genuine interest. Don’t treat a temp job like a temp job. Work there as you would for a permanent employer. Get to know the company, their value systems, and the preferred method of doing things. Show that you are genuinely interested in their organization and that you can fit into their environment.
  • Add value. In many cases temporary help is billed through the purchasing department rather than human resources. As a value added service it is important that you demonstrate how much value you really add. When accounting reviews the budget it may make more sense to shift you to a permanent position with the company than to continuing paying the staffing service.
  • Always interview. Know that a temporary job is like a full time interview. While you’re working on a temp basis recognize that your contribution is being evaluated. Always present yourself professionally, be courteous, show your skills, and prove that you are an invaluable part of the process.

Are you looking for a temp opportunity that could lead to a career? Harvard Resource Solutions is hiring for jobs in Troy MI and can help today!