In a perfect world, all of your employees will take direction well, be satisfied with their work, understand constructive criticism, and never cause a problem in the workplace. However, in the real world there are all different types of employees — including those who may be considered difficult. How do you manage someone who is good at what they do but difficult to work with? Here are some ideas for you as a manager:

  • Address the issue immediately.
    The longer you wait to address an issue with a difficult employee, the more challenging it will be. They will become comfortable with their behaviors and might challenge why you’ve never had a problem with it before. If you didn’t notice the problem earlier, be sure to take action as soon as you are made aware of it.
  • Don’t believe the rumors.
    The most important thing you can do as a manager is form your own opinion of the situation. Gossip is common in an office environment, so before you believe the rumors find out as much factual information as you can. Ask the people involved in the situation rather than others in the office.
  • Be professional in your response.
    Never respond to a difficult employee with anger. Always be professional and, if possible, positive. You do not want to provide fuel to an already angry employee to allow them to bring more negativity into your office environment. In this case, two wrongs definitely don’t make a right and can in fact make a situation much worse.
  • Offer coaching.
    If you believe that situation can be resolved, do what you can to offer coaching to the employee. A lack of motivation could be the leading cause of the problem so find out what really motivates them on the job. Play to their strengths and offer projects they will enjoy.
  • Know the last resort.
    If the difficult employee does not respond in a way that is acceptable or continues to make work difficult for others in the office, you may need to take action. The last resort should always be termination. Make sure to follow your office procedures so you do not run up against any challenges.

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