You probably have a formula for attracting top talent to your company. Good incentives and pay ranges will make them happy, right? While there is a lot to be said for those categories, one area where management often fails to make an impression is in the office environment.

Unless they work remotely, your employees will spend more time at the office during the day than they do at home with their families. It is extremely important that they feel comfortable in their workspace and value your environment. So, when you’re searching for the best candidates, be sure that your office environment is front and center to attract the right team to your door.

Design an Environment that Makes Good Decisions for You.

Anthropologically, it is easy to see how environment shaped the development of human behavior. Growing certain crops was only possible in certain climates, so those areas became centers for specific food sources. The same thing can happen in your office. For example, if you want to encourage positive and productive behavior, use software that blocks social media or limits access so your staff doesn’t fall back on negative habits.

Make Good Habits the Normal Flow of Behaviors.

To do this, you want to create an environment that allows good habits to flow in the normal course of behaviors. Put the items you want your staff to work with regularly in prominent places within the office to encourage their use. For example, if you want your staff to engage with innovation, place collaborative workspaces in the center of the office to encourage teamwork.

Reduce Any Negative Influences on the Environment.

To that end, it is important to remove items that impact your team negatively. For instance, if you want to encourage a healthy work environment, replace your vending machines with access to healthy snacks. Take out the soda machines and provide bottled water to your team. Create desk spaces that help your staff remain comfortable and stress free.

Remember to Make the Environment a Priority at All Times.

Above all else, make sure that you’re keeping up with the office environment. Continuously reevaluate technologies that could be upgraded or introduced to improve workflow or productivity. If something is in disrepair, make it a priority to have it fixes so no one is negatively impacted by the inconvenience of the issue. And be sure to use your office environment as a selling tool to attract the best candidates available.

Do you want to hire the best candidates for your business? Harvard Resource Solutions can help, so call us today!


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