It may seem as though time management and networking are on two different ends of your job search spectrum. However, using one method to enhance the other is a great way to expand your reach. Here are some successful ways other career networkers have maximized their time and increased their connections.

  • Be a morning person. If you are active and alert early in the morning, consider checking out breakfast meetings in your area. If there aren’t any already establish, organize one. Early morning meetings allow for no interruption of the rest of the day so you are able to concentrate on one thing at a time.
  • Create an agenda. Before establishing a meeting with a mentor or other business contact, develop an agenda for the conversation. This can keep you both on track with the exchange of information and allow you to accomplish more without the additional chatter that occasionally accompanies these types of meetings.
  • Rate your meetings. It is important that your networking opportunities provide real value for you and the other parties involved. Consider whether the meeting is something that benefits you or benefits the other person. Most people are willing to assist others but are also looking to build their network in the other direction to meet people who can benefit them as well. Consider if the meeting is reciprocal or one sided and invest your time wisely.
  • Consider electronic communications. So many people promote face to face meetings, but there is something to be said for email conversations. If you are able to trade messages with someone in your network you can both save valuable time and can craft your messages thoughtfully before hitting send. You are able to manage your response not only to control your words but also to respond at a time that is convenient for you.
  • Say no to cocktails and conversations. Many experts believe that once drinking is involved the meeting quickly turns from networking to socializing. While there may be some benefit to transitioning your business contacts to your friends, you may want to hold off on this step until you’re further along in your relationship.

Are you looking for more tips to expand your professional network? Contact the recruiters at Harvard Resource Solutions today!