There is a big trend in the workplace right now, centering on the idea of working with a company, and people, who possess shared values. Employment experts from all across the country encourage job seekers to determine whether or not a company matches their personal goals before accepting an open position. But, could this idea only exist in a perfect world? What if you have differing opinions from your co-workers, or even your managers?

You shouldn’t be afraid of having, or expressing, different ideas, but there are ways to go about communicating them that will be better in the long run. Here’s a closer look.

Diversity Is About More Than Demographics

There are a lot of aspects of diversity, and more research is showing that companies are benefiting from hiring people with a variety of backgrounds who present different thought processes to the business. If your personal opinion offers a different idea about how to accomplish a task, it may be worth it to present your concepts to see if they can work.

Understanding Different Perspectives

Confidence about personal opinions also means there needs to be tolerance for the opinions and perspectives of others. Be sure your opinions don’t cross the line to impacting other people’s civil rights. Allowing everyone to express their opinions without creating oppressive environments will go a long way in the workplace.

Be Caring, but Be Firm in Your Beliefs

If your belief is critical to the conversation, project, or values of the situation, it’s important you stand your ground. But don’t do so while purposefully upsetting others with differing opinions. Kindness should always be the default when dealing with those who have other values.

Know When to Express Your Ideas and When to Let Go

There will also be times when letting your opinion go unsaid will be more valuable than pushing your agenda. If your discussion is not relevant to the workplace or doesn’t pertain to the project you’re working on, it may be better to remain quiet about the subject. Pick and choose when it’s important to interject into the conversation at hand.

Do you want to work in an environment that matches your core values? Contact Harvard Resource Solutions, now hiring for jobs in Southeast MI, to learn more today.